Vision to Values
Vision to Values is the single page distillation of a company. It is a framework that clearly and efficiently codifies the company’s purpose, approach, and ethos.
Applied annually, Vision to Values fosters alignment within leadership teams, creates awareness amongst employees, and drives focus across the organization.
This is an expanded version of the 2012 LinkedIn Article that introduced the Vision to Values framework.
The dream; a team's true north. Primary objective is to inspire and create a shared sense of purpose throughout the company.
Overarching objective of the organization; should be measurable, achievable, and ideally inspirational. Brief, easy to remember, minimizes the use of the word "and”, shouldn't require follow-up clarifying questions when first presented, and ideally proves to be uniquely identifiable to the company.
Value Proposition
The benefit or advantage that the team promises to deliver to our members or customers. It's the reason why they should use your product or service.
Target Audiences
The segment of members whose needs you prioritize. Effective segments have unique needs related to your value prop, are measurable, and focused. You may consider identifying a secondary target audience whose needs you take care to reasonably serve.
How a company navigates its competitive landscape (and the dynamics most heavily influencing that landscape, e.g., technology, macro, geopolitical) to achieve its objectives. Not to be confused with priorities, which are the specific steps put into place to manifest the strategy.
Stack ranked list of tactics designed to help the company realize its objectives. Should start with the question, "If we could only do one thing, what would it be?" and the team should not move onto the next item on the list until that question has been resolved.
Measurable goals aligned with mission and strategy -- the fewer and simpler the better. Key first principle: if you can't measure it, you can't fix it.
The company's personality, i.e., who you are as a company, and perhaps more importantly, who you aspire to be.
The principles that guide the organization's day-to-day decisions; a defining component of your culture.